Health Care In America In Crises: Many Rural New Mexico Hospitals In Pain


holy cross hospitalObamacare was to save America health care, then you could not even get on the web site. Obamacare is costing America thousands of jobs. Obamacare is threatening rural hospitals in New Mexico. Last week I was talking with Janice Arnold Jones former State Rep. about the crises in rural New Mexico. Four to five hospitals in rural New Mexico may face shutting down if the Legislature does not come up with more funding, it’s on the docket at the Roundhouse today. Doctor’s and nurses are under extreme pressure with Obamacare, as well as the citizens of this nation. Medicare and Medicaid pay less than what it costs many hospitals to provide the care. Too few patients have adequate private insurance to pick up the slack. Obamacare is destroying health care.  Read more here:…

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