For God’s Glory Alone! FGGAM Reaches New Milestone! Thank you to our Writers and Readers!


Myself, Sharon, Paul, Jo, Issac and our families want to thank you all for your wonderful Godly support of our efforts here at FGGAM. Yesterday we had 1,004 visitors. That is a glimpse of heaven for 1,004 people. We have been praying that we would reach 1,000 visitors a day. PRAISE GOD! We are all sold out for God. We want to share Jesus with all. We are having people visit from all over God’s green earth! We are attempting to share the light of Jesus Christ through this web site in news and inspiration and commentary through our  posts, videos and audio. It brings me to tears when I think of all the folks who contribute their God given talent of writing for God to FGGAM. We have 20 folks who write for God here at FGGAM. That is the way I look at it, we do what we do for GOD! I am in AWE of GOD, I know I keep saying that everyday, but I am in complete AWE, how HE can take something from just starting with NOTHING and HE turns it into a huge out reach for HIS Kingdom, for HIS Glory. Isaac our CTO (Chief technical Officer) says that we will one day reach thousands and thousands everyday, Lord Willing. I love Isaac’s enthusiasm for the Lord, it is contagious! We continue to Counsel many….. so many in need from all over the United States, some just want someone to talk to. Pastor Paul and myself continue also to teach and preach the Word of God. Thank you to our readers for your support of FGGAM. We are so thankful this day and all days for our Lord Jesus Christ.

For God’s Glory Alone Ministries

Bringing the light of Jesus Christ to the world…….one person at a time.

Life verse: My life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus. Acts 20:24

This is the work assigned to us by God.

You can click on these wonderful images to enlarge them!

thankful heart 1thankful heart 2Thankful 3


  1. PRAISE GOD Pastor for it is HIS will that this organization is standing so strong ‘In The GAP’.
    Spreading the ‘Light of Jesus’ each and every day; how glorious!!! Congratulations to all of you for your GODLY success!!!!!!

  2. I’m thrilled for all of you. I know that you have truly lifted me up and your prayers for my daughter are a God-send! I haven’t felt such peace in many years! Even with all the turmoil surrounding me, the prayers of the faithful have reached Heaven and Heaven has answered. I know God is watching over all of us, and I am grateful.

  3. Andra: THE PRAYERS CONTINUE !!!!!!
    Pastor: NO thanks necessary Pastor. It’s nothing but pure pleasure and joy to do anything I can for such a GODLY organization. Praying for your continued success in you work for our LORD !!!!!!

  4. Dewey, that’s fantastic! Just goes to show, there is such a need for the love and light and wisdom that you share! Peter and I have chatted many times about how you, Sharon and this ministry are Divinely guided! Look how far you’ve come – in just a little over a year! …And how many of us are profoundly blessed by your loving kindness. Surely the Lord works through you! Continued blessings on you both! We love you very much and we share in your awe of the Lord! God keep you and may He continue to open doors and windows for you! LOVE! – Grace

    • Grace, You, Peter, and Becca are a shining light. I pray you read what I wrote about Peter and other teachers the other day. Sharon and I are so ever grateful for your inspiration and your support of FGGAM. Grace, one of my favorite verses is…Kind words are like honey..sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. Proverbs 16:24 You, Peter and Becca are so sweet to our souls!Love Dewey and Sharon

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