Dr. Ben Carson To Chair “Save Our Healthcare”

ben carsonHere is an important announcement from Dr. Ben Carson: I’ve got some exciting news to share with you.
My friends at American Legacy PAC are launching an important new project called Save our Healthcare – and I will be serving as Chairman.


  1. Earlier this week I registered as a Republican candidate to run for Congress in California Congressional District 18 which is made up entirely of California’s Silicon Valley located on the San Francisco Peninsula. My number one campaign platform is to Save Our Healthcare system from government destruction. Please visit my http://www.OscarKnows.com developed Oral Systemic Medicine network which is the “Universal Self-Care Community That Your Doctor Prescribes” found at http://www.drsmiles.info.(lauched in 2006) The website will educate you About Us, InformationRX etc. I would be honored to join and support the American Legacy PAC by standing by your side as we provide the leadership and solutions to Save Our Healthcare system by restoring and returning it’s control back to the People and their doctors. My cell number is 650-867-5779. I pray that I hear back from you soon. I am rested, ready for action and await your battle plan.

    God Bless Dr. Carson, Oscar

    “Change is inevitable…Survival is not!”

  2. Hello,

    I’m trying to decide to vote for you or not. Are you pro choice or pro life?

    Thank you.

  3. Thank you so much Dr.Carson for your the opportunity to respond with your wisdom and love for our country, THE UNITED STATES OF AMARICA… This is an absolute honor to acknowledge you, and to help save our healthcare system from dysfunctional unauthorized bureaucracies, who’s interests are not of the people, by the people, or for the people in THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA…

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