Why Are The American People Not Holding Obama Responsible? Remember Watergate?



Pastor Paul and I talked about this on our radio program yesterday, Watergate and Nixon and how Nixon sealed his own fate by that nasty business, he deserved to be impeached, he resigned before proceedings of impeachment,  he abused the Office of the President of the United States of America. So has Obama…. he is getting away with criminal behavior.  The White House is dismissing moves by House Republicans to form a select committee to investigate Benghazi. … President Obama calls it highly politicized and clearly partisan. He accused Republicans of continuing to stoke a conspiracy theory in search of a conspiracy.

South Carolina Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy will head the new select committee.

Why are not the American people calling for the impeachment of President Obama? Why is Congress not calling for his impeachment?

Have the American people lost their way?

It takes foolish people to elect a man like Obama twice.

I pray the foolishness, the sinful ways of America, will end.

Or the America I knew, will end, it is now sliding down that slope of hell.



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