What’s In A Trivet?


“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. ” – James 1:17

My sweet wife, Dorothy, loves to crochet. Her colorful Afghans have blessed many new babies over the years, as well as her many trivets to friends at Christmas. She also likes to write little sonnets to go along with the gifts as a reminder of what giving is all about. Perhaps this poem about some trivets she recently gave some ladies will bring joy to you as well.

Just a little crocheted “trivet” especially for you. Stiched together and created as something new.

You may wonder and question, “What’s it for?” Just continue on and you will know more.

 It’s primary usefulness is under something hot. But you could possibly consider a flower pot.

It can be an “object of art” hung on your kitchen wall. Or use your creativity as to its “wherewithal.”

In whatever way you choose to use this little creation. It’s from hearts filled with love and great admiration.

You are endowed with bountiful gifts and are precious. Being fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of Jesus.

May the wonder of Christmas be always in your heart! – Dorothy Kimbro

Merry Christmas! 

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