Windom Revival Radio Program: Do You Really Want to See Revival Begin?



I love this quote………

The famed British Evangelist Gipsy Smith used to ask his audience, “Do you really want to see a revival begin?” When the people said yes, Gipsy replied, “Then go back to your home and draw a circle around you on the floor. Then get down on your knees in the middle of the circle and ask God to convert everybody inside that circle. When you do that, and God answers, you are experiencing the start of revival.”
Please come to the Windom Revival at the BARC on November 10th and 11th.
Please now listen to the podcast! God Bless you and yours!

Please pray about a love offering to FGGAM Please join us in prayer led by Pastor Bill Ruhl of Albuquerque, NM for Windom Revival 2017……….Let us all remember REVIVAL starts with prayer…..

Would you join me over the next two months to pray for Dewey Moede, FGGAM, and the Windom Revival 2017? Revival comes when it is first “birthed” in prayer, then “bathed” in continual prayer, and finally we ” bask” in the answered prayer of an outpouring of God’s Revival Fire in the hearts of His people.
James 5:6 states: “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
That’s the birthed (effectual) bathed (fervent) prayer of a believer (righteous man) bask in God’s answer (availeth much).
Dewey has a pure heart of compassion and love for the community of Windom, Minnesota. As listeners and readers from around the world, will you join us here at FGGAM to produce a concert of prayer for a great outpouring of God’s presence, His love and compassion on display, at the Windom Revival 2017.
“Lord, start now! Release Your Spirit of Revival in the hearts of men and women throughout this nation and the world. Let our prayers be the spark that ignites a massive Revival Fire within your Church! Blessed are the peacemakers (prayers): for they shall be called the children of God.” Amen!
Blessings, Pastor Bill Ruhl – Global Destiny Ministry and Vice-chair FGGAM

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