Prayer for North Korean Solution


Our brothers and sisters in Christ within North Korea are asking Christians everywhere to pray for their country in the midst of war threats and preparation for war by their nation’s leaders.

In a secretive letter, the underground Christians describe a warlike environment.

One Christian leader spoke of a message from their North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, which stated: “We are to meet the decisive battle with a gun in one hand and a hammer in the other.”

It further stated, “The military army, navy, air force troops, strategic rocket troops, the red guards and the red youth guards are already in combat mode.  Urgent meetings are being held everywhere, regardless if it is day or night.  At those meetings, officials make decisions on what needs to happen in case war breaks out. Everyone, including women, needs to be combat-ready.”

Kim Jong Un has said to his people, “if war breaks out because of the actions of the U.S. and puppet South Korean’s unpardonable behavior, they will end up with a disgraceful downfall and our people will greet a brilliant new day of reunification. The day has come to show off the power of ‘Military First’ and great nation to the whole world.”

North Korean Christians and other citizens fear war and its costs in life and homes.

At home, Defence Secretary Jim Mattis confirmed North Korea as the “most urgent and dangerous threat to peace and security” in declaration before the House Armed Services Committee.   Mattis also alleged, “The regime’s nuclear weapons program is a clear and present danger to all. . .”

Beloved, we must pray that a peaceful means will be found to bring the North Korean government to denuclearize their country and avoid all military conflicts with the U.S. and South Korea.  Such a war would surely result in hundreds of thousands dying within the North and the South.


A Prayer Concerning North Korea:

Sovereign, Almighty, God, we humbly come before You in thanksgiving, for blessing the United States of America.  Thank You for honoring our prayers and increasing Your mercy toward us.  Thank You for shielding our borders.  Thank You for protecting America and South Korea from the threats of North Korea.  Your Word is true, and we can trust all that You do.  You love whatever is good.  Your unshakable love permeates all the earth.  You gave verbal expression, and the heavens were created; You exhaled the Command, and the stars became.  You designated boundaries to the seas and secured the oceans in immense reservoirs.  Let the whole world fear You and let everyone stand in awe of You!  How great is the kindness that You have amassed for those who fear You.  You pour it out on those who come for Your protection, blessing them in sight of the world.

LORD Jesus, in Your name, we censure the spirits of fighting, conflict, and war; commanding “peace to be still” in North Korea!  Your very Name keeps us safe from all harm, You are our hiding place.   We confess that as a nation, we are a pluralistic society that affirms many gods, but there is a strong remnant in America who trusts only in You.  Some nations lay claim to their chariots and horses, their armies and war machines, but we will boast in the Name of the Lord, our God.

We pray that through You, President Trump, Defense Secretary Mattis, and South Korean President Moon Jae-in shall uncover a diplomatic solution and will not rush to the perceived actions of North Korea, but they will respond out of wisdom;  they will turn from the unpleasant and do what is good; search for peace and work to maintain it.  LORD, cause the United States to rise up and stand resolved in Jesus’ Name. 

 Father, we pray for the North Korean Leader, Kim Jong-un; You changed a Saul to be an Apostle Paul, to Your glory; You saved me, to Your glory, by Your drawing Spirit You may even save a Kim Jong-un.  Do it, LORD, as the world observes Your mighty hand of love, forgiveness, and redemption. 

 Please help the government leaders and people of America, North Korea, South Korea, and China to discern through the oratory and misinformation surrounding this threat so that the truth is seen and all lies brought to light.  Please guide our President to make decisions that line up with Your protection proposes for our nation.   LORD, by Your Spirit, expose every plot, plan, and strategy that have been set up against our nation from within and without, and break their power.   Compel Christians all around the world to pray; and do not stop until we all act in response.  

 Heavenly Father, help the people of the USA, South Korea, China and North Korea not to yield to temptation but deliver us all from the evil one, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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Jerry McCullah has been involved in various prayer ministries since 1993 and is currently pastor of Green Valley Bible Chapel of Green Valley, Ca. As CSBC Prayer Consultant, Jerry McCullah is available to assist churches and associations in the training and development of personal prayer and prayer ministries, through consultations, seminars, concerts of prayer, and prayer revivals. As Impact Prayer International President, Jerry McCullah is able to work across denominational and international borders to do the same. Jerry: God has called me to encourage Christians into a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ; one that is real and personal, which comes through a life of prayer. The world needs praying people! God seeks praying people! I am available to assist your churches in the training and development of a personal prayer life, and church prayer renewal, through seminars, prayer retreats, concerts of prayer, and prayer revivals. My passion is to excite Christians to the possibilities prayer opens up before them. With God all things are possible! Would you give me the honor to work with you to the fulfillment of these words: “Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven . . . deliver us from the evil one” (Matthew 6:10,13)? Let’s schedule something for your precious people! Contact Info: 15724 Calle Hermosa Green Valley, Ca. 91390 661-270-9671

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