A prayer For New Mexico
Heavenly Father,

We humbly ask you this morning for the hearts of the people of New Mexico. While there are many that desire to please you by doing your will, there are so many more that love the darkness more than the light.

Please forgive us, Lord for our sin and wicked deeds. We have turned away from you as a state and as one people giving a place to the devil and his demons.

We have chosen drugs, alcohol and sexual immorality over your righteous ways that bring life. We have then covered up our sin with murder and promoted it with the welfare state and foolish spending. Murderous hearts have replaced hearts of flesh, hatred for kindness and death for life.

We have become a safe haven for abortion instead of defending the life of the helpless.

The people can not hear your pleas for repentance and a return to real life and blessing because they seek their own ways and pleasures, it has become too easy for us to take the lives of children and give ourselves over to mental disorders brought by drugs and demon possession.

We have freely given New Mexico to Satan, even though his power and authority is nothing of consequence compared to yours Lord.

No more.

Jesus, we desire to reclaim New Mexico for you, Lord. We ask that our sins be forgiven and that you come to heal this dry and thirsty land. We understand that this will not be easy or pleasant for us but it is needed that we may be healed.

Lord, we have sinned against you but we know that you are faithful to forgive us of all unrighteousness if we are willing to humble ourselves and admit our sin and ask you to cleanse us and that is what we the people of New Mexico ask of you now, forgive us Lord.

In Jesus Name we ask, Amen.

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