What Does the RNC Convention Reveal About America’s Future?

Peter Thiel
Peter Thiel

The republicans have had their convention and the GOP has officially nominated Donald Trump and he has accepted to be their candidate for president of the United States, but something else happened at the convention that may well reveal the future of America.

Peter Thiel, a co-founder of PayPal, gave a speech that centered on the economic future of the United States and he also announced his pride for having intimate relationships with other men.

Mr. Thiel stated that same sex issues and fights over bathrooms were but a mere distraction that caused us to stop addressing our economic problems and that it was time to elect a businessman like Donald Trump to turn things around.

Oh, I forgot to mention that the floor of the republican national convention being held in Cleveland, Ohio erupted into a standing ovation and started chanting USA following Peter Thiel’s charge, “I am proud to be gay. I’m proud to be a Republican. And, I’m proud to be an American.”

I have stated this often, that we are under the Deuteronomy curse for rejecting the Lord and His ways and I don’t care how good the business person leading the country might be, but this is a spiritual matter not an economic one.

As long as we ignore God in our thinking we will be turned over to a debased mind, our thinking may make money for the elite but the economy they stand on is crumbling, but wait there’s more.

The Deuteronomy curse involves more than money, take a look at the headlines and you will notice short and hard to find stories on the Zika virus. There have been 3 babies confirmed to be born with the dreadful disease and at least 400 pregnancies and it turns out that the virus can live in seamen for months to be passed on to an unsuspecting partner.

There is an orgy app for smart phones. The national debt is now over $19 trillion and wow that debt clock moves fast. The US navy spent almost $13 billion on a super-carrier that doesn’t work.

Of course, there are enemies within and without but we should be aware that this is but the beginning of sorrows, aren’t I the Pollyanna today?

But we should understand that these things are happening because of the choices American has made and continues to make in rejecting the Lord and His ways.

The Republican Party is following the Democratic Party down the same path and we are joining them on this wide and destructive path that no politician or leader can fix, it is a choice few are willing to make and more money will not make it right again.

The future of America is not as bright as I would like it to be, but I believe that the kingdom of God is not far off.

There is a day coming in the next two weeks that may prove interesting as it has a long history of shock and awe events, it is a day of mourning resulting from disobedience of God’s people but very soon will become a day of rejoicing.

Could this day be the beginning of God’s fulfilling prophecy in our day, join me this weekend for the full half hour Bible Factor program.

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