Some Bush Alumni Go For Clinton

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Bush World goes for Clinton, but will a former president?
Hank Paulson. Richard Armitage. Brent Scowcroft.
They represent the cadre of Bush World alums who have openly endorsed Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump for president and say they will be choosing “country over party” this fall.
Read the full story here



An Open Letter to Ted Cruz


Dear Senator Cruz


I am, and have been, a strong supporter. Shortly after your election to the Senate, I became focused on your conservative policies, honesty and your adherence to the US Constitution. Your boldness on the Senate floor quickened my respect for you as a representative of your Texas constituents; those who sent you there!


With our humble efforts my family contributed to your presidential campaign financially, in writing and by word of mouth. In my mind you are still the best candidate! You did your best but lost.  Donald Trump, barring some bazaar twist at the convention, will be Hillary Clinton’s opponent in November.


I want to respectfully remind you that you PLEDGED to support the nominee of the party. Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and the others ALL shared that pledge.


The primary results favored Trump. Oh, I know almost no one expected it. I didn’t either.

But, here we are. I am a bit concerned that you have been rather silent about the prospect of a close battle between Trump and Clinton and the dangerous ramifications of a Clinton win. Your strong showing in the primaries puts you in a very influential position as the convention draws near.


Your noticeable disappearance from the  political scene bothers me. Your hesitancy to endorse the “presumptive nominee” gives rise to speculation that you may be in cahoots with certain establishment Republicans who seek to derail the Trump nomination. I hope that is not the case. If it is , then Senator you are a disappointment to me and to many of my friends who favored you.


I would hope that you will soon honor your pledge and come out in overt support of Donald Trump. I hope you will do it because you should; because you said you said you would!


The prospects of a Clinton victory are catastrophic. The idea that a Clinton US Supreme Court will alter the judicial balance in this country for more than a generation is unimaginable!


We’re watching!


Howard Stansell

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