NM Congressman Pearce’s Statement on Select Panel Referral of NM Women’s Health Center to AG


More Here From the HUB of NM steve pearceFGGAM NEWS Just received this news release from NM Congressman Steve Pearce:

Pearce Statement on Select Panel Referral of New Mexico Women’s Health Center to Attorney General

Washington, D.C. (June 24, 2016) – Yesterday, the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives issued a criminal referral to New Mexico Attorney General, Hector Balderas, alleging the University of New Mexico (UNM) and Southwestern Women’s Options (SWWO) may have violated New Mexico Law governing the exchange of human fetal tissue.

Congressman Pearce issued the following statement:

When I heard that the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives was looking into the University of New Mexico, I started trying to ring the alarm bells that the stakes may be higher than the University realized.  I believe that it is my role to make the University aware and encourage their cooperation with the Panel. I had meetings with many individuals associated with UNM, the Board of Regents, and the Health Sciences Department, as well as sent a letter to the Governor’s Office voicing my concerns.

My concern being, the investigation was far more serious and had deeper implications.  I do not want a black eye for New Mexico or the University. We want healthy children – but we also must protect them.  We have laws that govern how the research is conducted and they need to be followed. It is unfortunate this situation has escalated to this point.  I do not think it had to come to this,” said Congressman Pearce.


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