With God All Things Are Possible


In Matthew 19:26, Mark 9:23 and Mark 10:27 we read these words: “With God, all things are possible!” Do you know who said that? JESUS did! Listen, there are obstacles that you and I come up against in this life, that seem “Impassable” to us. BUT, when it is part of God’s plan, He takes the “Impassable” and makes it POSSIBLE! How did the children of Israel ever conquer such a great city? It happened as only it could have: With a God inspired vision! Have you heard one of Solomon’s great statements that still can be heard around the world today? “Where there is no vision, the people perish!” Solomon was known as a king of great wisdom. Please now listen to my teaching today! God Bless you all from all around the world that are listening! We love you more than you know! Our top countries as of today according to SoundCloud stats are: America, Ethiopia, Switzerland, Germany, Venezuela, India and Columbia. We give all Glory to God who gives us the opportunity to serve Him and the abilities to do so. All for God’s Glory! Amen! Dewey and Sharon in OctDewey life versedewey cup

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