Has Christianity Made the World a Better Place or Worse?


***WARNING*** The Following May be Offensive to Godless Liberals ***

It is said that religion is responsible for the world’s woes, from wars to famine the world is not a better place because of the faith practiced by man and during a so-called “white privilege” conference held over the weekend, one author claimed that it is Christianity that is to blame for everything from war in the middle East to a poor economy.

Author Paul Kivel declared that everything bad came from Christianity, be it racism or sexism, war or bad economics and even global warming. This intellectual giant painted a grim picture of the world created by biblical and Godly principals as if other schools of thought or false religions have created greater societies or economies.

Kivel is fond of the cultures of the people who preceded the Europeans in America and believes the world was better off before Western innovation brought many of the modern conveniences and liberties he and so many others take for granted.

Revisionist history told by godless liberals always praise the primitive cultures as superior because they treat the earth better and live closer to nature, well I have call them out for the lies they are so fond of spreading.

Just this morning I saw pictures of the trash filled streets of these so called earth friendly cultures in Africa, where there are no modern conveniences including an organized disposal of trash. The bible teaches that we should not deposit human waste in the places that we live and yet so many primitive cultures, that do not have the instruction of the Lord, will defecate close to where they live and so illness runs amok. Biblical Christianity teaches us to be clean in so many ways other cultures are not.

It was because of Christianity that slavery was abolished in the Western world and why it is still practiced where Christianity is in the minority. The song Amazing Grace was written by a slave trader who was saved by Jesus and turned his life around to work toward ending it.

It is because of Christianity that women are treated so much better in the Western world while seen as property everywhere else. Women in a Muslim country will often by stoned for adultery following their rape instead of having justice and women of a conquered people are often forced to marry their captors or sold into the sex trade to serve as prostitutes.

When it comes to economics it was the American experiment that allowed biblical Christianity to flourish and be practiced without the regulation of despots and self absorbed godless dictators. As a result of America’s prosperity, the whole earth saw it’s gross domestic product increase a thousand fold.

We would not today enjoy televisions and iPhones if not for the principles of the work ethic and individual responsibility taught by the biblical worldview. Look at the Western nations that embraced the liberty found in Christ and how even the poorest in those nations are so very rich when compared every other nation. Even Russia learned that a godless communist nation will only see the leaders enjoy wealth and privilege while everyone else suffers in abject poverty.

The godless elite will go on and on about global warming as they fly in their fossil fuel burning, green house gas emitting planes and limousines while true biblical Christianity teaches stewardship of the land not the worship of “mother earth”.

Racism and sexism come from the godless or the Christian who is actually godless but uses religion to spread oppression. The only ones bringing division, oppression and enslavement are the very ones claiming to fight it.

I am sick and tired of being told by the godless that is my God who is responsible for the bad things of this world, when it is Jesus who sets the captives free and brings liberty and prosperity when we submit to Him and His ways.

One last thing, I don’t know where all this white privilege garbage comes from and how they think they can lay it at the feet of Jesus. First, most people are Hines 57 with so many varieties of skin color I dare you to define what is white, Hispanic or whatever. Second, Jesus is a Jew from Israel and most likely darker than many of these white privilege bozos and finally, we are all of one race and people and anyone that tries to divide us by ethnicity is trying to do exactly that, divide us to conquer us.

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