JUST RELEASED: Final Video (Part 3)- Inside New Mexico Reproductive Health Clinics

By Tara Shaver

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwGx_oDQs7Y]

To wrap up this 3 part series, the University of New Mexico’s Center for Reproductive Health (UNMCRH) free standing abortion clinic is in the spotlight. UNM is the heart of New Mexico’s abortion industry, one reason being that it participates in the Ryan Residency training program. This program has a concentrated effort to train medical students to perform abortions in hopes to raise up the next generation of abortionists. 
You will hear firsthand from a resident in training at UNMCRH how a second trimester abortion is done, but when asked how much it costs or where the abortion facility is, she has no clue. Is this really what UNM wants to be known for, medical students performing abortions and risking women’s lives? 
Also, in this final segment Planned Parenthood of New Mexico is caught assuring a 14 year old that her sexual relationship with an adult will be concealed because the state has no mandatory reporting laws. Apparently this kind of cover-up is commonplace in New Mexico, and still the legislature has failed to enact a parental notification bill.
In 2014, Whole Woman’s Health moved into Las Cruces, New Mexico to evade pro-life legislation in Texas. Even though New Mexico has no statewide restrictions on abortion, city laws require businesses to at least be licensed. Whole Woman’s Health is apparently above the law and in this video is caught operating without such a license. If this is a basic requirement that they refuse to meet, what else are they doing to cut corners? 
From Albuquerque to Las Cruces, “Reproductive Health Clinics” are doing more harm to women despite their claim to provide quality health care. In fact, the notorious late term abortion clinic in Albuquerque, Southwestern Women’s Options admits that all they can provide women with is an abortion. (Part 1)
Southwestern Women’s Options and UNM have a history of sending injured women to local emergency rooms and UNM uses women as guinea pigs for their student residents to practice on. When will New Mexico lawmakers admit that enough is enough and pass pro-life laws to protect both mother and child?
Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, with Priests for Life and Founder of Life Ministries NM, issued the following statement, “For five years, we have been calling on Governor Susana Martinez to use her investigative, executive, and administrative authority to investigate Southwestern Women’s Options, Planned Parenthood, and the University of New Mexico Center for Reproductive Health abortion clinic. She has not done anything nor has she even uttered a word about the deplorable situation that is the late term abortion capital of the country. 
She has tied her own hands by continuing to claim that all she can do is sign bills that come to her desk, therefore, during this 2016 legislative session we presented this research to legislators with the hope that they will make sure that uncompromised legislation reaches Governor Martinez’s desk and that she will sign it into law.”
3 Part Series- Inside New Mexico Reproductive Health Clinics

45 Minute Video on NM Abortion Industry Highlighted in LifeSiteNews Article! A must read! Check out the video!

Read the article here- Pro-life activists to New Mexico governor: Time to investigate Planned Parenthood

Watch:Full 45 minute feature

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYGOID3rmho]

Life Ministries U.S. in collaboration with Lifesitenews.com worked to release the full 45 minute video.

Life Ministries NM would like to thank: Operation RescueLive Action and Pro-Life Witness.

For more documented abuses and investigations of New Mexico Reproductive Health Clinics visit: ProtestABQ.com

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