In Darkness, Oklahoma Removes the Light of the Ten Commandments

Workers remove the Ten Commandments monument from its base

Light and darkness, these two words best exemplify the struggle of God and man. From the beginning of creation it was the word of God that brought light into the darkness. It is the message of the gospel that while God so loved the world, the condemnation is that man loves the darkness more than the light.

So it comes as no surprise that when the Oklahoma supreme court found in favor of darkness to remove the light of God’s ten commandments, even when other courts including the US Supreme Court found it constitutional to have them, that the order was obeyed at night.

The Ten Commandments monument was erected in 2012 and paid for privately but a Baptist minister filed a lawsuit to have it removed because he believed in a separation of church and state. He wanted to hide the light as so many today desire.

Modern thinking holds that people are not allowed to show their faith in public, but Jesus warned that city on a hill can not be hidden. It is yet another lie of the enemy told under the guise of liberty and constitutional law.

The truth of the matter is that the intention of the First Amendment of the US Constitution was to prevent the government from establishing a state church not to promoted atheism. The founders themselves when they held elected office called for days of fasting and prayer and carved these very Ten Commandments on the walls of the Supreme Court.

This was done because the American society would not prosper because they created a wonderful form of democracy that would work anywhere it was established, but because a democracy will only flourish and succeed when it’s citizens are a moral people grounded in the truth of the light brought by the word of God.

Though the Oklahoma monument of the Ten Commandments is only made of stone, the words chiseled into that stone bring the light of liberty; they are the very foundation that made our country great.

With removal of this monument in the dark of night, we prove that we cannot tolerate the light and that we love the darkness more, to our utter shame.

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