ADF Attorney and local Pastor to Speak at #ProtestPP Round 2



By Bud Shaver

Alliance Defending Freedom Attorney and Local Lutheran Pastor to speak at #ProtestPP National Protest

Sponsored by Protest ABQ and Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, Priests for Life

Albuquerque, NM- On October 10, the #ProtestPP coalition will again bring protests to hundreds of Planned Parenthood locations, including their center at 701San Mateo Blvd NE. in Albuquerque.

Protest ABQ and Fr. Stephen Imbarrato are pleased to announce that Angelo Artuso an ADF allied attorney, in addition to Pastor Quintin Cundiff of Calvary Lutheran Church will be speaking at this second protest of Planned Parenthood in Albuquerque.

Abortion is taking the lives of our brothers, sisters, our friends. Now is the time for us to demand that not one more penny of any American’s paycheck goes to pay for abortions and the selling of baby body parts. Now is the time that we protest until our leaders respond with an active investigation into New Mexico’s abortion facilities.

Planned Parenthood continues to receive over $500 million from state and federal governments. The organizers of #ProtestPP are calling for an end to this massive taxpayer subsidy for the nation’s largest abortion chain, and calling on all Americans of good will to oppose Planned Parenthood, especially by joining the growing pro-life presence at their hundreds of centers around the country.

Now is the time to cut off direct grants and funding to Planned Parenthood and end indirect funding through matching charitable contributions. Congress and American corporations should not be funding Planned Parenthood, a billion-dollar abortion giant under constant suspicion of wrongdoing and illegal activity. There are over 13,0000 community health clinics that serve women’s health needs far better than Planned Parenthood.

#ProtestPP is a coalition of state and national pro-life groups, headed by three national pro-life activist organizations: Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, Created Equal, and the Pro-Life Action League.

When: Saturday, October 10, 2015
Where: Planned Parenthood, 701 San Mateo Blvd. NE, ABQ 87108
Time: 9-11am
Please use street parking and do not block residential driveways.

For more information please contact:

Tara Shaver, Senior Policy Advisor for Protest ABQ,

Also visit


  1. Thank God for the good people of Albuquerque who know the difference between right and wrong. Not one more penny to PPH. The pro-aborts must be stopped! Our unborn children are being slaughter everyday and those in high places will not stop this ungodly act of murder for blood money. May those who find themselves in need, get the help they need, to bring their child to term for adoption or raise their child on their own with help. Please don’t let one more child be sacrificed.

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