The Last Blood Moon and the End of the World


There has been much talk of the four blood moons over the last two years with the last one occurring at the end of September.

But is this the end of the world as some say Christians are claiming?

Let’s be clear, of the big names talking of the Shemitah and the blood moons none are claiming that Jesus is coming at this time or that the world is ending. Most are warning of God’s next move in America and the world based on scripture.

The Lord plainly stated in the pages of scripture that He specifically created the sun, moon and stars for signs or signals even above light and heat. The blood moons are signals that we should do what God has always commanded us to do, live His way and follow Him.

That these warnings come when America’s grapes of wrath are ready for harvest is not a coincidence. Eyes to see are not what people desire. In fact, people are more frequently closing their eyes and ears to the truth purposefully.

From the latest abortion videos being released, California is actually going after the whistle blowers and not the baby body sellers who laugh about wanting a Lamborghini using the profits made off of murdered children.

To county clerks being forced by the government they serve to issue marriage licenses for immoral behavior. And while it seems like a small thing in a big package, it is significant that the president of the United States is renaming America’s highest place to honor pagan gods.

We are embracing a culture of death that embraces doctor assisted suicide that will lead to forced euthanasia while at the same time calling for an end to the death penalty when a murderer should pay for his or her crimes when they take a life.

We are driving the one true God from all parts of public life while embracing a false god of war that is a literal curse released on the earth because of sin (in Hebrew, alah means curse).

What is the real meaning of the Shemitah and the four blood moons? That we have been weighed and measured and we are found wanting. We have decided to reject the ways of the Lord and the signs are everywhere not just in the moon.

This sets the stage for what godless leaders have plainly said they desire for America, a non-Christian nation that is no longer a superpower leader of countries to do right.

It also prepares the entire world for the beast and his anti-Christ. It seems interesting that just as America will ratify a treaty with Iran this month that will pit the US against Israel, the last blood moon will occur.

This is a prophecy from the Lord and the left because we have not chosen the Lord as our God.

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