Prayer and Protest Produce Promising Results in Washington D.C.


Albuquerque, NM- Bud Shaver, Executive Director of Protest ABQ and Apostle Manny Lardizabal, New Mexico Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN) State Leader, stood in solidarity with pro-life groups and leaders from all across the country in Washington D.C. urging the passage of the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

On January 22, the date of the Roe v. Wade Memorial, Republican House Leadership broke a promise and cancelled a vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. If passed it would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy nationwide.


Pastor Manny Lardizabal (Left) and Bud Shaver (Right) attempt to hand deliver a petition by New Mexicans and voices from all across the nation calling for a Ban on Late-Term Abortion

Pastor Manny Lardizabal issued the following statement: “I can’t help but meditate on what is at stake, Life and death, lives of millions of children. It’s that fact that motivates us to travel out of our comfort zones into Washington DC. We will join other pro-life leaders from around our nation to hold a protest at the office of House Speaker John Boehner on May 7, urging the passage of the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. This is a life and death situation.”

The protest coincided with the National Day of Prayer, 2015. This provided a great opportunity to join together at our nations capital in prayer for our country and it’s leaders…then to get up off of our knees and put our faith into action by protesting the lack of action by House Speaker John Boehner and Republican leadership to introduce a Late-Term Abortion Ban that will save thousands of lives. Everyday that passes means that babies are dying!


Prayer outside of House Speaker John Boehner’s office in Washington D.C.

Unfortunately, House Speaker Boehner’s office did not provide an opportunity for the Pro-Life leaders to present their concerns which included a petition gathered by Protest ABQ, in fact, Boehner’s office was locked and no one came to the door after repeated attempts by EVERY Pro-Life leader gathered.

One of the event organizers, Rev. Patrick Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition issued the following statement in response,  “It is with a sense of profound sadness that…Speaker Boehner…did not even have the decency or courtesy or decorum to even answer the door” for the activists “who helped make him Speaker.” journalist Dustin Siggins reported the following from on location:

“The diverse coalition of pro-life leaders held a press conference in front of the building, then walked to Boehner’s office. There, approximately a dozen people prayed, made brief statements about the lack of action on this legislation, and knocked on the locked door. Mahoney, one of the organizers of today’s protest, noted that Boehner’s door is consistently locked. He also criticized the speaker’s staff for not answering the door, which Mahoney said they have done in the past, and which was done when knocked on the door nearly two hours before the protest started.”

Rev. Patrick Mahoney explained to WND who also covered the event:

“Mahoney said the protesters are following Jesus’ example as outlined in the parable of the widow and the unjust judge in the Bible. The poor widow kept coming to the judge to beg him to grant her justice, and he eventually relented because of the woman’s persistence.

‘That is what we plan to do with Speaker Boehner and House leadership, ‘Mahoney explained. ‘We will not stop ‘knocking’ until this legislation is voted on.'”


Rev. Patrick Mahoney knocking on House Speaker, John Boehner’s door.

Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust’s James Conrad, Director of Training and Apologetics summarized our protest in Washington D.C. to urge Republican leadership to pass the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, “This is a good bill to get behind, not because it is perfect, but because it shows the Democratic party’s platform for what it is: abortion on demand, any reason or no reason, to the day of birth!  It will also protect thousands of children right now from being callously and heartlessly killed! And yet, even if this bill is passed, the children will not have attained justice, because it will still be legal to kill them before 20 weeks or if their father was a rapist.  It is wrong to kill defenseless people, even if they cannot feel it and even if their father was a rapist. So we will continue to knock. We will not stop knocking until all children are protected!”

Bud Shaver agrees and as Executive Director of Protest ABQ he and Protest ABQ is committed to stand side by side Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, national pro-life organizations, leaders, and individuals until ALL of the babies receive justice!


James Conrad knocking on House Speaker, John Boehner’s door.

Bud Shaver, Executive Director of Protest ABQ and others attempted a second time to hand deliver signatures collected from a petition by New Mexicans and voices from all across the nation calling for a Ban on Late-Term Abortion, and stated to a journalist from Saynsumthn’s Blog that, “House speaker Boehner refused to open his constituents office to hear the desire of people representing states all across the nation who want to see an end of Late-Term Abortion in our country.”


Bud Shaver traveled from New Mexico to urge Congress to pass the Late-Term Abortion Ban

“Boehner and his staff were well aware of our desire to speak with them today,” Shaver told Saynsumthn.

It’s a huge disappointment that House Speaker Boehner closed his public office in Washington D.C. to the organizations, Pastors, and leaders from all across the country. In New Mexico it is the Radical pro-abortion Democrats that refused to allow a vote to end Late-Term Abortion. Now it’s the Republican majority in D.C. who are apparently doing the same thing,


House Speaker Boehner’s office remained locked without anyone willing to open the door…so Bud Shaver left the signatures there at his door.

No Coincidence! Vote on Late-Term Abortion Ban Set for This Week!

Operation Rescue reported Friday morning, “Just hours after 20 pro-life leaders held a press conference seeking an immediate vote on the delayed Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, it has been announced that a vote will now take place next week.”

The Weekly Standard published an article Friday morning, May 8, 2015 with this headline, “House to Vote on 20- Week Abortion Limit Next Week.”


Pastor Manny Lardizabal issued the following statement in response to this encouraging BREAKING development, “This comes a day after many of us pro-life leaders gathered at Speaker Boehner’s office to pray and urge the ban on late term abortion. To God be all the glory.” …if my people who are called by my Name will humble themselves and pray.” …continue in agreement and prayer!”


The full coalition that protested in favor of the Late-Term Abortion Ban Act- H.R. 36 included:

CEC For Life
Christian Defense Coalition
Citizens for a Pro-Life Society
Created Equal
Defend Life
Issues4Life Foundation
Operation Rescue
Maryland Coalition for Life
Pro-Life Action League
Pro-Life Action Ministries
Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust
Bud Shaver, Executive Director of Protest ABQ
Apostle Manny Lardizabal, New Mexico Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN) State Leader

(NOTE: Pictures courtesy of Protest ABQ, Saynsumthn’s Blog, Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, and Pastor Manny Lardizabal)

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