Why Do Churches Not Post the Ten Commandments?


Ten CommandmentsWhy do Churches not post the Ten Commandments?

Are Pastors afraid to do so?

If your Church does, please let me know!

They are posted here at FGGAM!

It seems the Church does not do it because it is not the “popular” thing to do in the American secular society, where on a good Sunday just about 12% to 15% of America goes to Church.

Do Pastors just want to preach the “grace card”….. it seems to be the popular thing in the American Church now….How’s that working for you as Church attendance declines and the country goes to hell?

How are we teaching our youth the Ten Commandments?

Don’t be a monkey! Don’t be a part of the world circus,  follow the Ten Commandments and post them everywhere!

When I attended Sunday school the Ten Commandments were “pounded”into me! LOL! LOL! And I say that thankfully, they become part of my life, my heart, mind and soul. My Uncle Joe always said, “What a world we would live in if people just TRIED to follow the Ten Commandments.”steve hickey3

I asked Pastor Steve Hickey (pictured above) of the Church at the Gate in Sioux Falls, South Dakota to comment on the Church and the Ten Commandments:
I’ve always thought it curious that Christians will have a fit about removing
the Ten Commandments from our courthouse walls when, truth be told, they
probably aren’t even hanging on our church walls and certainly not in our homes.
Perhaps a few times a year a Sunday school teacher puts them on the whiteboard.
A few decades ago churches opted aesthetically for a contemporary feel- our new
buildings feel and look more like corporate or healthcare facilities and down
came things like crosses and commandments, banners and Bible verses. These are
days to paint our walls with praise and lift high the banner of righteousness.

Pastor Steve is also a Legislator in South Dakota, a bold man for Jesus Christ! A bold man that addresses issues that need to be!  I will always be indebted to Paul Dokken for introducing me to Pastor Steve. Tonight the Church at the Gate celebrates 20 years with a big celebration! For God’s Glory Alone! One of my prayers is that one day soon me and Sharon get to go to Sioux Falls to visit Paul and Rene Dokken and go hear Pastor Steve Preach! Amen! Will you pray over that?

I also want to mention that a must read book is, and I have suggested this many times, “Obtainable Expectations” A timely exposition of The Sermon On The Mount by Pastor Steve.

Here is an example of the Ten Commandments not being followed, just click on the headline, please:

State Senator Michael Sanchez Rules New Mexico

Also please click on this headline for more:

The American Minute: “THE TEN COMMANDMENTS are not the laws. They are THE LAW” -Cecil B. DeMille

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