Where is the White House Headed on Israel? Revenge?


Where Is the White House Headed on Israel?whitehouse

Daniel W. Drezner, Washington PostLast week, the Obama administration was doing a lot of throat-clearing about the need to reevaluate relations with Israel after Benjamin Netanyahu’s reelection. The administration’s tone has been remarkably inflexible despite Netanyahu’s post-election efforts at a walk back. What gives?. Read More >>

Click here to read about the Islamic State terror militia threat on Israels southern border

Click here to watch a video announcement of the emerging Israeli governing coalition

The Redemption of Zion Zechariah 2: 7-9
7“Ho, Zion! Escape, you who are living with the daughter of Babylon.” 8For thus says the LORD of hosts, “After glory He has sent me against the nations which plunder you, for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye. 9“For behold, I will wave My hand over them so that they will be plunder for their slaves. Then you will know that the LORD of hosts has sent Me.…


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