‘David and Goliath’ Movie To Hit The Screen In 2015


David and GoliathAn up-and-coming actor from London has been chosen out of over 4,000 auditions for the lead role in the “David and Goliath” biblical epic, set for an early 2015 nationwide theater release.

Casting was held in Los Angeles, New York, Toronto, and London to find the right actor to play David for the big-budget movie, which recently wrapped up principal photography in North Africa and in studios in London, before Miles Sloman was selected for the role.

“When Miles auditioned,” said director Tim Chey, “I knew instantly he was the one. This was the young King David who could defeat the giant warrior. He showed a lot of courage on the set even falling off a donkey when the helicopter came too close.”

Sloman is 22-years-of-age, according to his Twitter account.

“We wanted to find the director, Tim Chey, a phenomenal actor,” added Kelly Jacobs, who helped cast the film in L.A., “so we casted a wide net around the world.”

The film, based on the biblical story of the battle between the giant Philistine warrior Goliath and David, the future king of Israel, is produced by RiverRain Productions and said to have a budget of $50 million.

In an exclusive interview with The Christian Post in April, Chey revealed that the movie has been in the works for close to 11 years.

Noting that it comes at a time when movies based on biblical stories are enjoying renewed popularity in Hollywood, Chey assured that “David and Goliath” will be biblically correct.”We realized to film it right we needed to shoot the film on a grand scale (much like “Lawrence of Arabia”). It’s one of the most incredible stories in the Bible about faith. In this case, it was much greater than a mustard seed,” the director said.

He added that he hopes the audience will be “moved to tears and increase their faith in the true and living God” after seeing the movie.

“I want them to stop being lukewarm. To make a stand for God. To slay the demonic giants who beseech us in this life,” Chey said.

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