Bernalillo County Sheriff Dan Houston Updates us on Deputy Robin


dan houston 2Statement from Bernalillo County Sheriff  Dan Houstonwounded deputy on the status of wounded Deputy Sheriff Robin Hopkins: This morning the Chief of police from Bosque Farms/ Peralta brought almost 4,000.00 to us on Deputy Hopkins behalf. Many other communities and businesses are helping with funds also. I’m being asked by several as to why Deputy Hopkins bills are not being covered. Just so you understand when a LE officer is injured in the line of duty they go on workman’s Comp very quickly. It pays approximately 66.9 % of the salary. The employee takes a 30% pay cut throughout the time they are recovering. Seems very unfair but that is the reality. Obviously monies raised will make up for that 30% as well as other issues that arise. We as a department are very grateful for everyone’s generosity.

Pastor Dewey Note: We continue to pray the healing of Jesus over Robin. She has asked for prayers, she is thankful for your prayers, we love Deputy Robin in Jesus name we pray, Amen!

I am also thankful for the leadership of Sheriff Dan! Through this tragedy the Sheriff has led boldly and with such care for Deputy Robin and all his officers, and the citizens of Bernalillo County. Please  keep the Sheriff in your prayers.

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