Deception: same-sex marriage


dewey monday

Deception: same-sex marriage 




It saddens me greatly this past weekend to see an editorial in the Albuquerque Journal from a retired Minister in support of same-sex marriage.




Pastor Bert Scott wrote:……. Like many New Mexicans, I was taught that marriage was between a man and women. For years I never challenged this assumption (WOW! God’s Word is now an assumption! an Assumption!! Dangerous territory!) The Pastor continues, writing: I’ve come to believe that no one should be treated differently because of who they are or who they love.




Pastor Scott continues:




As a person of faith and a New Mexican, I believe in loving my neighbors and treating everyone as I would like to be treated—-with dignity and respect. This means recognizing the love and commitment of lesbian and gay couples through marriage.




Dewey’s Comment:  We all believe in love, dignity and respect for all. The Pastor never mentions what God says about marriage, only what he believes,  it does not matter what we believe or feel, what matters is what God says. 




The Pastor continues: I support (There we go again with the word I support, what does God say and support?) He says he supports the freedom to marry for all loving, committed couples not in spite of my faith, but because of it.




He closes his Editorial piece with this:




We recognize that there are a variety of viewpoints in our faith communities and look forward to loving, meaningful conversations about marriage in churches and faith communities around the state.




Dewey’s comments: There is nothing to debate, either we believe God’s Word on marriage or we do not, either we are Full Gospel or not. Some are going to say, WOW! You are a mean person Dewey! No, I just stand in the gap for God on the sanctity marriage and His Word not mine. To many Pastor’s are turning this whole thing into what THEY THINK! Not what God says. They are deceived.




This whole debate on marriage is “NOTHING NOISE” I say again it doesn’t matter what I think, what matters is what God says. In the Pastor’s whole Editorial piece he does not mention God’s Word at all! He just says what HE THINKS! Not one mention of scripture or God.




There is a crises in the Church and it is WHAT WE THINK, and not WHAT GOD SAYS!




I should not have to reference what scriptures in the Bible to read on marriage. 




I was taught years and years ago, right from wrong.




Standing up for what God says does not mean you are a mean person. You are trying to help people not be deceived. 




Deception is a sad thing, what is even more alarming is that people being deceived is that they are unaware of their captivity. Like the prodigal they must come to themselves by awakening to their true condition. They do not realize that they are spewing out bitter waters rather than pure. When a person is deceived, he believes he is right even though he is not. This is why we must take ourselves out of this “Nothing Noise” on marriage and stand strong in God’s Word and what He says about marriage.




We must be Biblically sound in all we do and say, Full Gospel.




God is all about love, respect dignity, and forgiveness. God is God. He invented all, everything including marriage.


God has a lot to say about sin. God holds us accountable. We sin, we seek repentance, He forgives. 




As Mrs. Fett said back in grade school, “Students, I should not have to repeat myself, you should know this by now!”  




Same-sex marriage is not in the Word of God.




Watch the movie, Courageous, it will send you a strong message about God and His Word.


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